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How do I access the Physio Matters Plus library?
I have an issue with my Physio Matters Plus account

Email the team at [email protected]

How do I reset my password?

Go to and click forgot your password

How do I see my payment info & receipts?

Go to and click on customer portal in the top right menu

How do I join?
How do I cancel?

Go to and click on customer portal in the top right menu to cancel your subscription. Remember though, the price you have now will never increase and cancelling will lose that and the other benefits.

Why can't I see some of the content?

Only premium members get access to all the content. You likely have access to one or more individual shows. Go to your customer portal to upgrade

When will the next show content be available?

We will get the most recent show content onto the site within 2 working days of its conclusion

Who are Physio Matters?

Physio Matters are a group of MSK Therapists led by Jack Chew, Charlotte Chew and Jack March. 

Meet the team

Physio Matters is a trading name of Chews Media Ltd which is part of a wider healthcare business group

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“Physio Matters is about raising MSK care standards for the betterment of patients everywhere”

Wonderful presentations on all things MSK and Sport! Physio Matters is an excellent investment for those who want to learn from the very best!

Matthew Boyd

Just treated my brain to a bargain, Waitrose quality, Aldi price!

Archie Burgess

I spend most mornings listening to this brilliant show. Thank you Physio Matters for the insights, we must spread the message to improve quality care for patients.

Jane Cowley